News & Notes:
- Newbery Projects - The kids did an excellent job on their projects! It was fun to hear about the different books they read.
- Second Semester - We begin our second semester on Monday! It's hard to believe we're half way there. Student report cards will go home on Friday.
- Coins for a Cause - what an amazing impact our Bennie students, staff and family had on this wonderful charity!
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, January 31 - Bennie PTA Winter Fest 6:30pm
- Wednesday, February 1 - 1/2 day dismissal at 11:40 for students
- Thursday, February 2 - Cooking Ava's Monkey Bread
- Thursday, February 2 - Tech Club 3:30-4:30, students dismissed out the front of the school
- Thursday, February 2 - Bennie PTA meeting at 6:30 in the cafeteria, childcare provided
- Friday, February 3 - Report cards distributed
What are We Learning:
- Language Arts - Book club assignments build literacy and comprehension skills at your child's reading level. There is approximately 45 minutes throughout each day that your child could be reading and/or working on their book club work. All book club work can be completed in class.
- Word study - In a couple of weeks, I will reassess the students on their mastery of spelling patterns. Current word study groups will remain in place until the end of February and then based on the test results groups may shuffle a little.
- Math - Fractions, fractions, fractions - our focus for the next quarter will predominately be fractions. We'll continue to review double digit multiplication and long division.
- Social Studies - Our focus continues to be regions and geography. As part of this study we will be participating in Journey North's mystery class project. Click here for more details.
- Science - We are studying how plants and animals use external and internal structures to survive in their environments.
- Cooking - We'll be cooking Ava's Monkey Bread
- 6 cans Buttermilk Biscuits (the non-flaky ones)
- 4 sticks butter
- Pencils
Ask Me:
- Which Newbery presentations did you like and why? Are there books you are now planning to read?