News & Notes:
- Chromebooks - Please try and help your child remember to plug in their chromebook each night. We have a limited number of extra devices in the classroom and it's been tricky to try and navigate all the devices that have been running out of power.
- Progress reports - With our shortened week and the addition of NWEA testing, a combined progress report for January 10-21 goes home today. Please sign and return so I know you are receiving the reports.
- At Home Math Activities - Along with the monthly academic progress report, an optional at home math activity packet will go home with your child. These activities will help your child continue to develop their understanding of our 4th grade math concepts.
- NWEA tests have been completed. Your child's report will go home on Friday, February 28 along with the academic progress report.
- Milk Jugs - we need rinsed plastic milk jugs for a winter gardening project. Please send them in anytime. We hope to plant next week.
Upcoming Dates:
- Friday, January 28 - Academic Progress Reports go home
What We're Learning:
- Writing - We will be writing fairy tales next week.
- Reading - Our literacy strategy focus for next week is identifying story elements. We will be comparing and contrasting traditional fairy tales with new spins on the story.
- Brain Friendly Reading - We continue to work on using strategies to identify syllables and spell unfamiliar words. We will also focus on ly suffixes and adverbs.
- Social Studies - We continue to study the constitution and how our government is organized.
- Science - This week we've looked for evidence of energy in natural systems and human designs.
- Math - We are currently working on comparing fractions and identifying equivalent fractions. Basic multiplication and division are necessary for our fraction work.
- Social Emotional Learning - We have been talking about Dr. King this week. In our morning meeting today, we talked about what this quote means for us in our classroom family.
Ask Me:
Our math with a partner activities are always popular with the kids!!
- In your Roll a Fraction game, what is the best fraction to create and why? (Hint - 6/1 is the largest number that can be rolled).