News & Notes:
- Room 107 Video Conference Day - We have interviews scheduled for Tennessee and North Carolina on Tuedsay! We are interviewing family/friends in other states about what it is like in their state. This is activity is a big hit with the kids and gives us a chance to learn more about our country. There's still time to schedule other interviews - please consider talking with your out of state family and friends! Here's the flyer.
- Brain Friendly Reading - We've been working on developing our procedures for our new word study/spelling/reading program. Our class has been really engaged with "tapping the chart" and the activities we've been doing. The "Blends" chart went home with your child - they can "tap" it at home and play "I Spy" as they build their fluency with those elements. I look forward to talking with you about it at conferences.
- Parent Teacher Conferences - Conferences are scheduled for December 1-2 on Zoom. Click here to sign up for a meeting. I look forward to talking with you all.
Upcoming Dates:
- Tuesday, Nov 23 - Regions Interview Day in class
- Wednesday, Nov 24-Sunday, Nov 28 - Thanksgiving Break
- Tuesday, Nov 30 - Book Fair Preview Day
- Tuesday, Nov 30 - Picture Retakes Day
- Wednesday, Dec 1 - Book Fair Buying Day
- Wednesday, Dec 1-2 - Parent Teacher Conferences on Zoom
What we're Learning:
- Writing - We have been working on Opinion Writing this week.
- Reading - Our whole class reading focus this week was point of view. In your child's book club, we've been working on identifying text features in non-fiction text and summarizing in our fiction stories.
- Social Studies - Our interview day is the final project for our Regions studies. We'll be talking about Oral History next week. Your child will be invited to participate in StoryCorps "Great Thanksgiving Listen" project. Its' a lovely activity that fosters conversation and develops generous listening skills.
- Science - We've been focusing on Earth science and how Earth changes over time, using Michigan's Pictured Rocks as our phenomenon. We're going to be investigating how potholes form and the ways pothole formation may be similar to the Pictured Rocks.
- Math - We will continue to work on 3 digit by 1 digit multiplication, but have moved on to division. A division game based on basic division facts went home on Thursday to play at home.
- Social Emotional Learning - We take "mindful moments" throughout our day. Ask your child to show you their "5 Finger" breath and how pausing just to focus on their breathing makes them feel.
Ask Me:
- What can fossils tell you about what Michigan looked like millions of years ago?
Highlight of the Week
- Mr. Klein donated Reading/Science bags to our class. Each bag is unique but all contain a few books, a science and math activity. Extra fun for the Thanksgiving break.
- Highlight of last week was the cupcake science model!