Upcoming Dates
- November 24 - End of first trimester
- November 25-27 - Thanksgiving Break
- December 2-3 - Student-led Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
- December 3 - 1/2 day for students
News & Notes
- DTE Kits - I have rescheduled the assignment to complete the DTE Home Energy Worksheet online. I think there was some confusion on our end. Here is the link to the assignment in your child's Google Classroom which includes how to complete the form online. Please help your child complete the brief Home Energy Worksheet by November 20th - even if you didn't install items from the kit! DTE provides generous support to classrooms through free programs and grants. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Tech Support - Click this link for technology help or call (313) 827-2190.
- Conferences - We will be holding Student-Led conferences on December 2nd and 3rd. These will be on Zoom. Click here to sign up.
What are we learning
- Book of the day we will focus on immigration stories and using evidence to support how the characters change throughout the story.
- We will be participating in the Great Thanksgiving listen. Check out the video below.
- We will review friendly letter writing by writing from the main character’s point of view.
- Emphasis on writing in a complete paragraph.
- Continue strategies for division.
- Working on math reasoning using problems of the day including solving word problems.
- Continue with our new science unit: How the earth changes over time. We will begin with slow changes by investigating fossils.
Social Studies
- Discuss equal protection of the laws as outlined in the Constitution.
- Discuss and explain the right to due process of the law