Our Video Newsletter
What are we learning?
- Math - This week we've started daily "mad math" multiplication and graphing.
- Reading - We have begun to read "Love, Ruby Lavender" as a class and have talked about "good fit books"
- Science - Our first unit is on astronomy ... specifically focusing on the sun, moon and earth.
- Writing - This week we talked about the format for writing a letter.
Our Classroom Family
- We spent a lot of time this week getting to know Room 107 and who we are as a classroom family with games and team building activities.
Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, Sept. 17, 7:00pm - Meet the Teacher Night
- Friday, Sept. 18 - Allen Park Homecoming parade and football game
Weekly Highlight
- Thank you for everything you did to help get our year off to a wonderful start ... from sending in school supplies, to helping the kids get enough sleep (it's a tough transition from the summer schedule!), to asking that important question "how was school?" ... I appreciate all you do to set your child up for success here at Bennie! I hope to meet you all on Thursday, Sept. 17!