News & Notes:
- Run Club is starting up again this spring on Monday, April 18. Please use this link to sign up your student:
- Scholastic Book Order - our April book order is due on Friday, April 22. You can order online or complete the paper forms.
- Field Trip - Our class will be going to UofM, Dearborn's Environmental Interpretive Center as a part of our life science studies. The cost of the bus will be covered by our classroom Field Trip Fund! I have room for 5 chaperones. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.
- Mstep - 4th grade will be taking our Mstep test in May. If you are interested in learning more about what types of questions the kids will be asked, click here to access sample tests.
- Volunteer Request - thank you to everyone who donated 2 liter bottles for our science project. I am looking for a volunteer(s) who are willing to help cut the bottles. The bottles are clean and labels have been removed - they need to be cut with a box cutter and/or scissors to a specific measurement. Please let me know if you are willing to help complete this project by Thursday, April 14.
What are we learning:
- Math - We have been studying decimals and will begin to focus on geometry for the third quarter.
- Daily 5 - Each student has an individual reading strategy to be focusing on in Daily 5. These learning targets allow the kids to build comprehension skills while reading books at their "just right" level.
- Science - Seeds have been planted! Our focus for the third quarter will be on Life Science.
- Social Studies - We are wrapping up regions and geography. Look for information coming home soon on our Skype Day!
- Cooking - Next week we'll be making Ethan's "Big Daddy's Good Good Chili".
Upcoming Dates:
- Wed, April 13 - Sports and Fitness Club
- Fri, April 15 - Report cards distributed
Wishlist: (we're cooking on Wednesday this week)
- 1 1/2 pound extra lean ground beef
- 1 packet taco seasoning
- 1 green pepper
- 1 onion
- 1 large can red kidney beans
- 1 can tomato paste
- 1 can diced tomatoes
- Dollar store type items for our "treasure box"
Weekly Highlight:
- Our research is done and our seeds have been planted for the courtyard! Now the waiting and watering begins.
Ask Me:
- What did Bud learn this week about Herman E Calloway? Why was it such a surprise?